Our lab has been fortunate to receive trainee funding from Damon Runyon Postdoc Fellowship (Mary), HFSP Postdoc Fellowship (Andrea), NIH F32 (Carly), PBBR Postdoc Grant (Miquel), NSF GRFP (Christina, Jon, Alex, Pooja, Manuela, Lila, Caleb), NIH F31 (Christina, Megan, Nathan, Zack, Vanna), NIH R35 Diversity Supplement (Vanna), Hertz Fellowship (Lila), UCSF Kozloff Fellowship (Alex, Pooja), UCSF ARCS Fellowship (Manuela), UCSF Michael Bishop Fellowship (Manuela), AHA Predoc Fellowship (Nathan, Zack), Integrated Program in Complex Biological Systems (Megan, Vanna), Discovery Fellows Program (Christina, Jon, Alex, Lila, Nathan, Vanna, Caleb), Genentech-UCSF School of Pharmacy PhD Student Diversity Fellowship (Maddie).


Zack is co-organizing the Bay Area Cytoskeleton Symposium April 30. Thank you!
Zack will be taking the MBL Physiology course this summer.
Maddie will be interning at Genentech this summer.
Congrats to Miquel for his paper being accepted to Current Biology! Thanks to Caleb and Moumita Das for the help.
Vanna gives a talk at the Cell Engineering and Synthetic Biology breakfast.
Caleb gives a seminar at the Montana State Mechanical Engineering dept.
Nathan gives Tetrad Grad Program recruitment seminars at SFSU, SFU and Sonoma State.
Nathan gives a talk at the BPS meeting in Los Angeles.
Caleb gives a talk at the Stanford Cytoskeleton Club.


Nathan, Vanna and Caleb give talks and present posters at the ASCB meeting in San Diego. Zack, Jinghui and Maddie present posters.
Congrats to Nathan for posting his NuMA “passive” paper on bioRxiv. Thanks to Yildiz Lab for the help.
Congrats to Nathan for posting his NuMA “active” paper on bioRxiv, in collaboration with the Yildiz and Carter Labs. Thanks to Maddie for the help.
Congrats to Vanna on being awarded a NIH F31 predoctoral fellowship!
Congrats to Maddie on receiving a Genentech-UCSF School of Pharmacy PhD Student Diversity Fellowship!
Congrats to Zack on being awarded a NIH F31 predoctoral fellowship!
Congrats and good luck to Miquel who after 5 years leave us for Catalonia!
Congrats to Lila whose paper is published in JCB! Thanks to Nathan, Caleb and collaborators for the help.
Welcome to Lucca Ravera who joins our lab as a high school summer intern.
David and Sean join the lab as Biophysics students. Welcome!
Megan is a summer intern through the AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellowship program.
Congrats to Megan who decided on a postdoc in the Welch Lab at UC Berkeley after she graduates.
Vanna will attend the EMBO Kinetochores meeting in Switzerland.
Caleb will attend the EMBO Microtubules meeting in Germany.
Congrats to Manuela who graduates and will start as a scientist at A&P Inphatec in June.
The whole lab attends the Bay Area Cytoskeleton Symposium and Miquel gives a talk.
Congrats to Megan whose paper is published in JCB! Thanks to Miquel and Vanna for the help.
Congrats to Megan who was selected for a AAAS Mass Media Fellowship.
Congrats to Renaldo and Lila whose paper is published at PLoS One! Thanks to Andrea and the Goga lab for the help.
Nathan gives a talk at the Stanford Cytoskeleton Club.
We attend Cirque du Soleil’s Kooza show next to UCSF!
Miquel gives a talk at Biophysical Society’s annual meeting in Philaldephia.
Congrats to Megan on receiving the 2024 UCSF Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring!
Welcome to Biophysics student David Gomez Siu as a winter rotation student.


Congrats to Lila on posting her paper on bioRxiv and submitting it! And thanks to Nathan, Caleb and collaborators for the help.
The whole lab attends the ASCB meeting in Boston and Nathan, Caleb, Vanna, Zack and Megan/Miquel present their work.
We welcome Sterre van Wierst as a visiting masters student from the University of Utrecht.
Congrats to Manuela whose Tools of the Trade piece was published at Nature Reviews.
Caleb, Nathan and Zack present posters at the Biohub Physics of Life meeting.
Congrats to Miquel whose collaborative paper with the Aydogan Lab is out at Cell.
Nathan, Caleb and Zack present at the Bay Area Physics of Life meeting.
We welcome Zhidong Tan (Tetrad) and Sean Myers (Biophysics) as fall rotation students.
We attend our annual lab retreat, this time in Monterey with kayaking.
Congrats to Manuela whose paper is published in eLife! Thanks to Lila, Jinghui, Renaldo and Nathan for help.
Caleb presents a poster at the EMBO Physics of Living Systems meeting in Dresden.
Welcome to Karina He who joins our lab as a high school summer intern.
Maddie joins the lab as a Bioengineering student. Welcome!
Congrats to Lila who graduates and will start her postdoc in the Zallen Lab at MSKCC/HHMI.
Congrats to Renaldo and Lila on posting their paper on bioRxiv and submitting it! Thanks to Andrea, Seda and Andrei Goga for the collaboration.
Congrats to Manuela, selected as the 2023 UCSF J. Michael Bishop Fellow!
The lab has its 10-year reunion!
Congrats to Zack on passing his qualifying exam!
Congrats to Lila and Venecia (Petry Lab) whose review is out at Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol!
We welcome Maddie Blaauw (BioE) and Asa Kalish (Biophysics) as winter rotation students.
Congrats to Nathan on being awarded a NIH F31 predoctoral fellowship!
Megan gives a talk at the Spindle Croatia meeting and Nathan presents a poster.
Megan gives a talk at the Biophysical Society Meeting in San Diego.
Megan gives a talk at the Stanford Cytoskeleton Club.
We host a half-day retreat with the Heald Lab (UC Berkeley) and Feldman Lab (Stanford).
Congrats to Lila, announced as a 2023 Weintraub Graduate Student Awardee!


Our whole lab goes to ASCB in Washington. Megan gives a talk and we had five posters.
Pooja’s and Vahe’s (Rob Phillips Lab) paper is out at eLife. Congrats!
Miquel gives a flash talk at the Biohub Inter-Lab Confab.
Lab attends and presents at the Bay Area Cytoskeleton Symposium.
The kinetochore team visits the Biggins & Asbury labs in Seattle for a 1-day retreat.
Miquel visits the Desai/Oegema labs at UCSD.
Congrats to Zack on publishing his technician paper!
Congrats to Vanna and Caleb on being selected UCSF Discovery Fellows.
Congrats to Lila who received Honorable Mention for the ASCB Porter Prizes for Research Excellence!
Congrats to Vanna, awarded funding from the Integrated Program in Complex Biological Systems!
Congrats to Miquel who receives a PBBR Postdoc Grant!
Vanna and Miquel attend the GRC Centromere meeting.
Congrats to Manuela on being awarded a UCSF ARCS scholarship!
Lila does a summer internship at the Gates Foundation.
Congrats and good luck to Carly who starts as Scientist at Amunix Pharmaceuticals.
Zack joins the lab as a BMS student. Welcome!
Congrats to Vanna and Caleb on passing their qualifying exams!
A Dispatch highlights Miquel’s paper.
Miquel’s paper is out at Current Biology. Congrats!
Welcome to Jinghui Tao who joins our lab as junior specialist.
Congrats and good luck to Renaldo who will start graduate school at U Michigan this fall.
Manuela takes the MBL Physiology course in Woods Hole.
Welcome to Justin Marroquin who joins our lab as a high school summer intern.
Congrats to Pooja who graduates and starts her postdoc in the Lamason Lab at MIT.
Congrats to Caleb on being awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Come visit our lab’s booth at the Discovery Day at Oracle Park April 24!
Miquel, Lila, Megan and Manuela attend the EMBO Aneuploidy meeting in Vienna.
Megan is a finalist in the UCSF Grad Slam March 31.
Congrats to Renaldo on his grad school admissions!
Congrats to Carly on being awarded a NIH F32 postdoctoral fellowship!
Congrats to Nathan on publishing his technician paper!
Manuela and Pooja give talks and Megan and Miquel present posters at the Biophysical Soc. meeting.
Congrats to Nathan on being awarded an AHA predoctoral fellowship!
We welcome Zack Mullin-Bernstein (BMS) and David Sanchez (Tetrad) as winter rotation students.
Congrats to Caleb for getting his undergrad work published!


Congrats to Megan whose poster was one of the 25 most popular at ASCB!
Congrats to Megan on publishing her technician paper!
Miquel and Manuela give talks at ASCB, and Megan and Lila/Renaldo present posters.
Manuela gives a talk at the Stanford Microtubule Club.
Lila’s paper is out at Developmental Cell. Congrats!
We welcome Camille Derderian (Tetrad) as a fall rotation student.
Congrats to Nathan on being selected a UCSF Discovery Fellow.
Congrats to Nathan on receiving a Tetrad “Best TA” award.
Miquel gives a postdoc talk at the Tetrad retreat, and a flash talk at the Cell La Vie! meeting.
Congrats to Megan on being awarded a NIH F31 predoctoral fellowship!
Vanna joins the lab as a Tetrad student. Welcome!
Caleb joins the lab as a Bioengineering student. Welcome!
Lila takes the MBL Physiology course in Woods Hole.
Miquel gives a talk at the Socially Distant Centromere Conference.
Lila presents a poster at the CSHL Cellular Dynamics & Models meeting.
Congrats to Nathan on passing his qualifying exam!
Lab and Sophie receive UCSF Byers Award in Basic Science. Check out a video for the general public.
Congrats and good luck to Andrea who joins Genentech as a Senior Scientific Researcher!
Congrats to Renaldo on getting his undergrad work published!
Congrats to Megan who advanced to the next round of the Reach Out Virtual Science Slams. She got the Audience’s Choice Award and will be in the national final May 4!
We welcome Trase Aguigam (Tetrad) as a spring rotation student.
Congrats to Lila who received the Biophysical Society Student Research Achievement Award for the Motility & Cytoskeleton subgroup!
Lila and Miquel present posters at the Biophysical Society annual meeting.
Congrats to Carly on getting her last grad school paper published!
Lila gives a talk at the Stanford Microtubule Club.
We welcome Caleb Rux (Bioengineering) as a winter rotation student.


Lila presents a talk and Andrea, Pooja, Lila, Manuela and Miquel posters at the ASCB annual meeting.
Congrats to Andrea on getting her last grad school paper published!
Congrats to Renaldo for receiving the School of Medicine Dean’s Commendation for Exceptional Volunteerism and University Service for his contributions to UCSF’s COVID-19 response!
Carly Garrison joins us as a postdoc from the Schwarzbauer Lab in Princeton. Welcome!
Congrats to Megan, awarded funding from the Integrated Program in Complex Biological Systems!
Our lab holds a virtual outreach event as part of the Bay Area Science Festival. Thanks, Megan!
Andrea’s paper is out at JCB. Congrats! And congrats to Ronja, Dorine, and thanks to Yildiz Lab!
Pooja gives a talk at the Rising Stars in Soft & Biological Matter Symposium.
We welcome Vanna Tran (Tetrad) as a fall rotation student.
Manuela gives a talk at the Bay Area Cytoskeleton Symposium.
Congrats to Alex for receiving the 2020 UCSF Dean’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring!
Thanks to Andrea for leading a group at the NSF Center for Cellular Construction summer course!
Nathan joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
Congrats to Pooja on being awarded the UCSF Kozloff Fellowship!
Lila presents a poster and flash talk at the EMBO Microtubules meeting.
Alex and Pooja’s paper is out at JCB. Congrats!
Congrats to Megan on passing her qualifying exam!
A PreLight highlights Andrea’s bioRxiv paper.
Thanks to Renaldo who is volunteering with CZ Biohub COVID-19 testing efforts!
Our lab is excited to join the CZ Biohub Investigator Program.
Pooja and Alex’s paper is out at eLife. Congrats!
Congrats to Alex who graduates and will start her postdoc in the Stearns Lab at Stanford.
Congrats and goodbye to Meelad who joins the Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy.
We welcome Nathan Cho and Nathan Rossen (Tetrad) as winter rotation students.
We welcome Vivian Yuan as a lab assistant and Steve Ha as an administrative assistant.
Our lab moves to Genentech Hall on UCSF’s Mission Bay campus and joins the Bioengineering & Therapeutic Sciences Dept, and Biochemistry & Biophysics Dept.


Alex, Andrea and Pooja present talks and Lila and Manuela posters at the ASCB annual meeting in Washington.
Pooja gives a talk at the UCSF QBC retreat.
Andrea gives a talk at the UCSF DSCB retreat.
Our lab has booth with the Chang Lab at the Discovery Day at Oracle Park Nov 2.
Our lab has a display box at the Exploratorium’s Cells to Self exhibit opening Oct 3.
We welcome Tania Singh (Bioengineering) as a fall rotation student.
Jon’s last paper in our lab is out in JCB. Congrats!
Ronja wins the Best Student Award for the 2018 U/SELECT Honors Program, Master's Graduate School of Life Sciences of Utrecht University. Congrats!
Alex gives a talk at the Dynamic Kinetochore Workshop in Paris.
Lila and Manuela present posters at the Gordon Research Conference on Motile & Contractile Systems.
Renaldo Sutanto joins as a junior specialist. Welcome!
Alex gives a talk at the NSF Center for Cellular Construction annual retreat, and Manuela presents a poster.
Andrea, Ronja and Manuela present posters at the Bay Area Cytoskeleton Symposium.
Megan joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
Congrats to Manuela on being awarded a UCSF ARCS scholarship!
Congrats to Manuela on passing her qualifying exam!
Congrats to Miquel on getting his last grad school paper published!
Congrats to Jon who graduates and starts his postdoc in the Devreotes Lab at Johns Hopkins.
Congrats to Alex & Jon on their Current Opinion in Cell Biology review on the mammalian kinetochore!
Andrea and Ronja win a poster prize at the annual CTB departmental retreat, and Alex gives a talk.
Alex speaks at the Stanford Microtubule Club.
We welcome Fatema Saifuddin (Tetrad) as a spring rotation student.
Lila speaks at the Heald-Marshall-Sullivan non-model organism retreat in Berkeley.
Christina’s Current Biology paper with Rob Phillips’ lab is out. Congrats!
Miquel Rosas Salvans joins us as a postdoc from the Vernos Lab in Barcelona. Welcome!
We welcome Ronja Houtekamer as a visiting masters student from the University of Utrecht.
We welcome Matt Keefe (DSCB) as a winter rotation student.


Congrats to Christina who graduates and starts her postdoc in the Dunn Lab at Stanford.
Thanks to the UCSF Program in Breakthrough Biomedical Research for research funding on tissue architecture in Trichoplax adhaerens. Congrats to Lila on the proposal!
Sophie receives ASCB's 2018 WICB Junior Award for Excellence in Research.
Lila’s Developmental Cell Spotlight on an Amon Lab paper is out. Congrats!
Congrats to Lila on winning the popular vote’s best poster award at the DSCB retreat!
Jon gives a talk at the ASCB annual meeting and Alex, Andrea, Christina, Meelad and Pooja present posters.
Congrats to Lila on being selected a UCSF Discovery Fellow.
We welcome Megan Chong (Tetrad) as a fall rotation student.
Congrats to Pooja for her best poster award at the EMBO Physics of Cells meeting in the UK!
Goodbye to Dorine who returns to the Netherlands to finish her masters.
Thanks for a great lab retreat in Stinson Beach.
Congrats to Mary & Pooja on their Trends in Cell Biology review on spindle mechanics!
Andrea gives a short talk and presents a poster at the HFSP Awardees Meeting in Toronto.
Andrea's eLife Insight on a Kiyomitsu Lab paper is out. Congrats!
Sophie receives tenure.
Manuela joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
Thanks to Jon for co-organizing the ASCB Bay Area Cytoskeleton Meeting. Christina gives a talk and Pooja and Alex present posters.
Congrats to Lila on passing her qualifying exam!
Christina presents a talk and Andrea a poster at the EMBO Microtubules meeting in Germany.
Sophie receives the 2018 UCSF Outstanding Faculty Mentorship Award. Thank you!
Andrea speaks at our first CTB departmental retreat in May, and Alex won a poster prize.
Congrats to Lila and Manuela on being awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowships!
We welcome Snow Naing (Bioinformatics) as a spring rotation student.
We 'survive' ice skating and and two escape rooms at our mini retreat with the Chang Lab.
Alex, Andrea, Christina, Jon, Pooja present posters at the Biophysical Society annual meeting.
We welcome Dorine Hintzen as a visiting masters student from the University of Utrecht.
We welcome Lakshmi Miller-Vedam (Biophysics) as a winter rotation student.


Jon and Christina present posters at the ASCB annual meeting.
Christina's eLife paper is out. Congrats!
Goodbye to Eline who returns to the Netherlands to finish her masters.
Thanks to the Heald Lab for hosting a joint retreat in Berkeley, and to the Prakash lab for hosting a joint retreat at Stanford.
We welcome Clara Herrera and Manuela Richter as Tetrad fall rotation students.
Lab attends NSF Center for Cellular Construction retreat in Tiburon.
Goodbye to Mary who leaves to start her lab in the Physics Dept at NCSU. Congrats!
Christina presents a poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Motile & Contractile Systems.
Josh's paper is out in MBOC's "forces" issue. Congrats!
Mary's paper is out at Current Biology. Congrats!
Andrea attends the HSFP Awardees meeting in Lisbon.
Lila joins the lab as a graduate student. Welcome!
Josh leaves the lab to start med school at Stanford this summer. Congrats!
Christina takes the MBL Physiology course in Woods Hole this summer.
Pooja presents a poster at the Berkeley Cellular Biophysics Symposium.
Andrea helps organize the Bay Area Postdoc Symposium. Thank you!
Congrats to Alex on being awarded the UCSF Kozloff Fellowship!
Thanks to all for a fun lab retreat in Stinson Beach.
Meelad Amouzgar joins as junior specialist. Welcome!
Alex’s Current Biology paper is out. Congrats!
Jon's Journal of Cell Biology paper is out. Congrats!
Congrats to Pooja on passing her qualifying exam!
Mary's collaborative work with the Sullivan Lab is out in the Journal of Cell Biology. Congrats!
We welcome Lila Neahring (DSCB) as a spring rotation student.
Woohoo! Christina wins 1st prize at the UCSF Grad Slam. Congrats!
We welcome Emily Suter (BioE) as a spring rotation student.
Jon takes the MBL AQLM course in Woods Hole this May.
Mary gives a talk at the annual Biophysical Society meeting.
We welcome Cynthia Chio (CCB) as a winter rotation student.
We welcome Eline ter Steege as a visiting masters student from the University of Utrecht.


Congrats to Pooja for winning a poster prize at the QBC retreat.
Alex gives a talk at the ASCB annual meeting, and Christina, Mary, Josh and Alex present posters.
Mary gives a talk at the Carolina Biophysics Symposium and the UNC Mitosis Club.
We are excited to be part of the NSF/UCSF Center for Cellular Construction.
Pooja attends the NSF Cell Organization & Behavior at Multiple Scales workshop in Seattle.
We welcome Taylor Skokan (Tetrad) as a fall rotation student.
Congrats to Mary who just accepted a faculty position at NCSU in the Physics Dept. She will be starting her lab there in summer 2017!
Alex attends the MBL Physiology course in Woods Hole.
Jon presents a poster at the EMBO Chromosome Segregation workshop in Ireland.
Alex presents a poster at the EMBO Microtubules conference in Germany.
Pooja joins as the lab's fourth graduate student. Welcome!
Jon gives a talk at the CSHL Cell Cycle meeting.
Josh leads Foldscope workshops in Nicaragua (read more here and here).
Congrats to Pooja on being awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
Check out the JCB People & Ideas profile on Sophie and the lab.
Congrats to Andrea on being awarded a HFSP Long-Term Postdoc Fellowship!
Congrats to Josh on getting his undergrad work published!
Thanks to the NSF for the CAREER Award!
Sophie receives the Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award of the Biophysical Society.
Mary and Sophie give talks at the Biophysical Society annual meeting.
We welcome Nick Altemose (BioE) and Pooja Suresh (Biophysics) as winter rotation students.
Excited that Fred Chang's lab is now our neighbor lab!


Alex, Christina, Jon and Mary present posters at the ASCB annual meeting, and Jon gives a talk.
Andrea Serra Marques joins us from the Akhmanova Lab as the lab's second postdoc. Welcome!
Thanks to the NIH Office of the Director for the New Innovator Award!
Congrats to Alex on being selected as a UCSF Discovery Fellow.
Jon gives a talk at the UW Mitosis Club.
Alex and Christina present posters at the Gordon Research Conference on Motile & Contractile Systems.
Dylan's paper comes out as he leaves for graduate school at UW. Congrats!
Jon and Mary present posters at the FASEB Mitosis meeting. Congrats to Mary for winning the Best Poster Award!
We welcome Rocio Gomez as an undergraduate researcher.
Josh Guild joins as a junior specialist. Welcome!
Mary gives a talk at the UCSC Chromatin Group.
Congratulations to Alex on passing her qualifying exam!
We welcome Stefan Niekamp (Biophysics) as a spring rotation student.
Congratulations to Christina on being awarded a NIH F31 predoctoral fellowship!
Lab members present posters at the Bay Area Centromere & Chromosome Dynamics meeting.


Mary gives a talk at the ASCB annual meeting.
Lab members present posters at the Stanford Bio-X Mechanobiology Symposium.
Congrats to Christina for winning the 1st poster prize at the BMS retreat.
We welcome Sumitra Tatapudy (Tetrad) as a fall rotation student.
Congratulations to Christina and Jon on being selected as UCSF Discovery Fellows.
Congratulations to Christina on passing her qualifying exam!
Mary and Christina's Journal of Cell Biology paper is out. Listen to the podcast here. Congrats!
Jon's Methods in Cell Biology chapter is out. Congrats!
Alex joins as the lab's third graduate student. Welcome!
Christina gives a talk at the EMBO Microtubules conference in Germany.
Congratulations to Jon on passing his qualifying exam!
Check out a short piece in The Scientist.
Congratulations to Jon and Alex on being awarded NSF Graduate Research Fellowships!
We welcome Ben Barad and Alex Long as spring rotation students.
We welcome Jonathan Asfaha as a fall rotation student.
Christina presents a poster at the Biophysical Society annual meeting.


Mary and Christina present a poster at the ASCB annual meeting.
Hear about us on Carry the One Radio.
Congrats to Christina for winning the 1st poster prize at the BMS retreat.
We welcome Betsy Martin (Tetrad) as a fall rotation student.
Jon and Christina join as the lab's first graduate students. Welcome!
Mary presents a poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Motile & Contractile Systems.
Congratulations to Mary on being awarded a Damon Runyon Postdoctoral Fellowship!
Thanks to the Searle Scholars’ Program, Kimmel Scholars’ Program and Rita Allen Foundation Scholars' Program for research funding.
We welcome Veronica Pessino (Biophysics) as a spring rotation student.
Thanks to the Sloan Research Fellows' Program for funding.
We welcome Jon Kuhn (Tetrad) and Christina Hueschen (BMS) as winter rotation students.


Dylan Udy joins as a junior specialist. Welcome!
Mary Elting joins us from the Spudich Lab as the lab's first postdoc. Welcome!
Thanks to a NIH Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00), the Bay Area Physical Sciences Oncology Center and UCSF Program in Breakthrough Biomedical Research for research funding
The lab starts in fall!